In relationships...

I treasure and love dearly,.,i have learned to keep it a private many out there that are not happy , want to take away someone's i learn to kind of build a fortress around myself and those i love..and works....the only times i have seriously been wounded is when I myself lifted the gates of this chateau fortress, so to say, or someone else did, and let in people who don't cannot be so naive in life, trusting anything or anyone that sounds or looks good much of life is a mirage really, an act at times to distract your i have this kind of internal guiding to keep what i hold dear very close to me, and not allow for interruption from others :)We are sharper in life, when we stay true to our animal instincts, not allowing human society to diffuse or dilute them too much...i dont want this to sound too serious lol...but truly if you love something or someone (s)...hold it dear, and to do not abandon it or them, to ones that come with ulterior motives, stroking your ego, to distract...:)
