Native American Families Seek Justice For Women Missing Or Killed In Unsolved Crimes| Nightly News

When I researched this in depth, to give a concise summary of it, is that essentially America has this system set up, that a white man can come arrive to a reservation, commit a crime, and never be prosecuted for it legally.(the laws forbid it , as whatever happens on the reservation cannot be prosecuted on what is considered American land)

..Like literally that is how disturbed it is set up..So really it is exactly set up to allow for rape & abuse & even killings to occur, with no consequences...
This occurs in Montana, Washington and other places...

There is literature that is handed out to the little girls, called "When You Are Raped," not...if but "when"....

It is very horrific...When you truly start to understand the corrupt networkings of some societies the Utopian veil truly lifts in believing in people, the government etc...
It's just so convoluted, corrupt at the very core...The people you think are good people behind handling a country and running it , are some of the most awful at times.
