Wald und Wiesen...

Exploring the Great Outdoors

The great outdoors - for some a constant call to explore the unknown, for others a parallel universe full of dirt and dangers. Where do you stand on this? Do you enjoy taking in the beauty of Wald und Wiesen ('forest and meadows')? Do you have a blast jumping into a See ('lake') once in a while and taking in the beauty of nature? Or do you say no to time spent draußen ('outside')?
Whichever it may be, you are likely going to find some similarities with either Tobias or Florian today! Tobias is an avid hiking fan and loves to spend hours discovering the great outdoors. Florian, on the other hand, doesn't care much about frische Lust ('fresh air') and time spent im Grünen ('in the open').
Eine Wiese im Sonnenschein. (A meadow in the sunshine.)
gorgeous landscape in spring
Much to Florian's dismay, he recently lost a bet to Tobias. Because the loser has to partake in an activity that the winner chooses, it's time to go Wandern('hiking') together today! While the boys are packing up their Rucksäcke ('backpacks'), let's get prepared and take a good look at the most important German nature terms.

Essential German Nature Vocabulary

Let's look at some vocabulary we use when going outside:
die Naturdee NAH-toorthe nature
draußenDROW-sehnoutside, outdoors
im Freienihm FRIY-ehnoutdoors
der Sonnenscheindehr Sohn-nehn-SHIYNsunshine
der Regendehr RAY-gehnthe rain
die frische Lustdee FRISH-uh Luftthe fresh air
im Grünenihm GRUEH-nehnout in the open, literally: out in the green
What about the parts of nature and some animals me may encounter? Let's take a look:
der Walddehr Vahldthe forest
die Wiesedee VEE-suhthe meadow
der Seedehr SEH-ehthe lake
die Bäumedee BEU-muhthe trees
die Blumendee BLOO-mehnthe flowers
die Bienendee BEE-nehnthe bees
die Fliegendee FLEE-gehnthe flies
die Mückendee MUECK-ehnthe mosquitoes
These are the terms we might need for Tobias's and Florian's hike:
der Spaziergangdehr Spah-TSEER-gahngthe walk
das Wanderndahs VAHN-dehrnthe hiking
die Wanderstiefeldee VAHN-dehr-stee-fehlthe hiking boots
der Wanderwegdehr VAHN-dehr-vehgthe hiking trail
die Landschaftdee LAHND-shahftthe landscape
der Ausflugdehr OWS-floogthe excursion/trip
der Rucksackdehr RUCK-sahckthe backpack
Are you wondering how you could apply these new terms in simple sentences? Some options are:
  • Ich brauche etwas frische Luft. ('I need some fresh air.')
  • Die Mücken nerven mich. ('The mosquitoes are going on my nerves.')
  • Hast Du Lust auf einen Spaziergang? ('Are you keen on going for a walk?'
